Inspired by the legend of Hanuman, an icon embodying strength and courage, Kid is an anonymous young man who ekes out a meager living in an underground fight club. After years of suppressed rage, Kid discovers a way to infiltrate the enclave of the city's sinister elite. As his childhood trauma boils over, his mysteriously scarred hands unleash an explosive campaign of retribution to settle the score with the men who took everything from him.
Director: Dev Patel
Writers: Dev Patel, Paul Angunawela, John Collee
Cast: Dev Patel, Pitobash, Jatin Malik, Sikandar Kher, Sobhita Dhulipala, Makrand Deshpande, Ashwini Kalsekar, Vipin Sharma, Adithi Kalkunte, Jomon Thomas, Pehan Abdul
Inspired by the legend of Hanuman, an icon embodying strength and courage, Kid is an anonymous young man who ekes out a meager living in an underground fight club. After years of suppressed rage, Kid discovers a way to infiltrate the enclave of the city's sinister elite. As his childhood trauma boils over, his mysteriously scarred hands unleash an explosive campaign of retribution to settle the score with the men who took everything from him.